Accuracy, finesse, and nuance – is our promise. We will not let the meaning ‘to be lost’ in the translation.
A unique WordWise service aiming to connect all the speakers of 22 Official Indian Languages with a 462-language combination.
Another singular WordWise service that aims to connect Indian young academic minds in Linguistics with global academia.
Translation is an art in itself and our translators are highly acclaimed artists in this regard. We do not let any meaning or semantics ‘lost’ in the translation. Without compromising the brand value, on the other hand, only augmenting it, our translators always think from the perspective of the user’s language.
Computer Aided Translation and Large Language Models’ based translation are in vogue now and will be disrupting not only the business of languages forever in the near future, but also affecting the language itself in the long run. We undertake a single-page translation to large-scale CAT using ML and other techniques. Our proof-readers, editors, QAs and managers guarantee a quality turn-around in the agreed time.
Dry translation from the source language to the target language might convey the information, but an empathetic human transcreation transcends the gap to truly localize the knowledge. A ‘Bag of Words’ NLP model would help you scale and speed up. Our “Bag of Hearts and Minds” connect your ideas and products with a touch of humanity. Our translators are trained and known for their meticulous translation. If you have a bulk of words to be translated, please get in touch with our sales. A Proud And Responsible Continuer of A 6000-Year Old Tradition & Art of Translation. Try us.
Intralingual It is the time to make your regional D2C ventures truly Pan-India. Borders are only for maps and your products need not confine only to your language. We write high-performing content pieces designed for the audience of a particular geographic region and culture. You can achieve a 22X reach across all the Indian language speaking audience. Expand your business cutting across Indian states.
Kashmir to Kanyakumari isn’t just a geographical term to express the vastness of the land anymore. Our writers and translators help you literally sell your regionally unique products anywhere in India. From time immemorial trade between various Indian regions has been prevalent. Now, it’s the time to double up the connectivity and bring a real sense of oneness between Indian states by savouring the delicacies of distant regions and by using the products of unknown lands.
Linguistic studies inside India and across the globe are on the rise. Understanding the language is synonymous with decoding the culture, and society and in effect bettering the human understanding of linguistic applications. If you are looking for research associates, data assistants, or graduates – WordWise network will help you get connected.
The cutting-edge developments in AI and NLP such as ChatGPT and the likes are furthering linguistic possibilities like never before. Tons of language data for building and training NLP models is required. Research scholars from diverse disciplines of Humanities are being employed by tech giants such as Google, IBM, and Microsoft. WordWise Assists universities and institutions by bringing the best of academic minds and language experts to the table.
Linguistic theory and its modern applications of Natural Language Processing emphasize on one central concept. Language is perpetually changing. This very nature of the language
In a study published in Science Advances, Stuart K. Watson and colleagues investigate the ability of monkeys, apes, and humans to process nonadjacent dependencies in
The objective of the project is to create engaging and educational science stories that conveys scientific experiments to the children of a desired age group
In tune with the Indian tone.
Got a universal product or solution and want to scale beyond English and urban centers? We can help in 22 Indian official languages.
Reach the very last mile of the linguistic supply chain and and ideas with our meticulous localization experts.
Ranging from single-page, over-the-counter translation to OCR, ML and MTPE – based Translation is done in 22 languages of India.
Use our Reports and alalytics based on purely statistical and scientific models for regional & hyper-regional marketing.
Rich resources on language diversity, translation tech, and culture, aiding India’s linguistic connectivity.
Exploring language-tech dynamics, bridging academia and practical solutions for India’s linguistic mosaic.
Real successes using our solutions to break language barriers, fostering business growth and engagement.
In-depth insights on digital Indian languages, culture, and preservation in a changing landscape.
Statistical analysis, interviews, and surveys showcasing Indian language-tech intersection and its significance.
Statistical analysis, interviews, and surveys showcasing Indian language-tech intersection and its significance.