
Who You Are

A Business Looking For Exponential Reach?

Speak the buyer's language.

We Know The Language Of Business

Language IS Our Business.

Rural - Urban - Semiurban Taluk - Hobli - Town - Village - Hamlet Satelite Town - Twin Town - Cosmopolis Border Areas - Metropolis - Mountains - Coastal Hinterlands - Wards - Constituencies Areas - Localities - Societies - Neighbourhoods Communities - Campuses - Unions Townships - Institutions - Organisations

Choose A Suitable Service To Set Foot on
The Hitherto Unexplored Markets of each of the
766 Districts in 28 States, 8 Union Territories.

Democratize knowledge for
informed humanity.

Translate the language. Transform the user experience.

Take science and technology to the farms for an increased yield and ROI.

Gain the customer’s trust by speaking in their own language

Let everyone taste the medicine in their own tongue.

Welcome the guests in the
words they understand.

Penetrate 2nd – tier and
3rd – tier towns. Connect &

Erase the linguistic divide. Entertain one and all.

Encourage, motivate, and educate – in 22 languages.

Localize and help the citizens to help themselves.



Traditional learning models and environments have changed forever. Digitization has disrupted the education sector like never before. WordWise offers unique and authentic solutions to cross linguistic barriers.

We have experts who have mastery over the tonality, style, and methodology for localizing and translating educational and training materials of various disciplines. While 580 million of the Indian population is between the age group of 5-24, an equal number of the adult population, with a digital device at hand, are waiting to be part of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Check out our services.

Translation and Localization For

Instructional Materials
Websites and Training Dossiers
Training Manuals & Scripts
PPTs and Presentations
Transcriptions and Subtitling
Certification Programs and Orientation
And much more.
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E-Commerce & Retail

Making a single product reach consumers across diverse linguistic and geographical backgrounds is no easy task. India is buoyant with creators and consumers, where strategizing market penetration is somewhat a herculean challenge.

We at WordWise help you out with our keen and diverse linguistic experts to sell your products, services, and ideas to the exact target demographics. Statistically, 70% of digital content is consumed via handheld devices and 80% of consumers use mobile phones. Our handpicked and expert linguists, analysts, and writers are ready to help you reach users in 22 official languages of India.

Are you looking for

App Hyper-localization
Website Localization
Product Descriptions
User reviews and Testimonials
Brand Communication
Marketing Collaterals
All in Indian languages.
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While 60% of the population of India is dependent on the agrarian industry and largely speaks one regional dialect or language, the need for localization is more than ever.

Agricultural practices, knowledge, and methodology vary even with a small change in distance. On top of that the laws of the land bureaucratic process demand an experienced translator with domain knowledge. We combine our regional resources and sharp writers to help your venture reach the right agrarian demands.

Services include

Agro Business
Agro Stores
Legal Documents
Blog Posts
Marketing Copy
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Finance & Banking

Global Findex Report, 2017 says 80% of Indians above 15 years of age have a bank account. When it comes to money, trust matters the most.

Speaking customer's language builds brand loyalty. Around 76% of the users prefer to buy products provided the information is given in their mother tongue. We also adhere to GDPR and other relevant data security complaints. NDAs are strictly followed and observed.

Our expertise

Trading platforms
Investment banking
Fund management
Micro Finance
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Health & Wellbeing

With a CAGR of 22% between 2016 and 2022, the Indian healthcare sector is predicted to grow by three times, from US$ 110 billion in 2016 to US$ 372 billion in 2022. A steady increase in health-related awareness is also a pronounced opportunity.

WordWise life science translation and localization services help your brand to reach Indian mid and small size cities and towns. We have excellent resources with 7+ years of experience in the health, nutrition, and dietary domain who accurately translate and localize medical texts.

Domains we work in

Clinical Research
Health Institutions
Medical Transcription
Medical Interpretation
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Tourism & Hospitality

With an impressive development in infrastructure and connectivity, domestic tourism in India is on the rise. Employing around 3.2 crore Indians in the sector, the hospitality sector is also witnessing an Indian spending power.

We have an exceptional repertoire of vloggers, travelogue writers, and graduates in hospitality industry who write enchanting write-ups for your agency. We specialize in writing demography-cantered reading materials that are woven with historic and geographical factoids.

We Create and Translate

Travelling & Tourism Guides
Brouchers & Marketing Content
Itinerary schedules
Web Content & Tour leaflets
Scripting and Subtitling
Take a tour!
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NBFC & Insurance

India's 2nd and 3rd-tier towns are fast becoming part of the financial inclusion initiative. While NBFCs are playing a key role in injecting necessary capital for small businesses, Indians subscribing to insurance safety nets is also going northwards.

We write original materials for enhancing your brand recognition. Our translators and localization experts deliver meticulously translated dossiers in regional languages for increased customer acquisition. WordWise excels at producing highly convincing and personalized materials for your target users.

We specialize in

Policy Documents
Financial Dossiers
Marketing Materials
User Manuals
Websites and Apps
And much more.
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Media & Entertainment

The amount of content created and consumed by a billion Indians is unprecedented. Being a multilingual country with a polyglot population, the demand for entertainment, and infotainment is extreme and the arena is competitive.

The WordWise writers stand out in the realm of creative writing. With vast experience and range in the entertainment sector, our writers deliver original and compelling pieces of craft. Our finesse comes from the sheer understanding of Indian geography, language, and sensibilities.

We are original in

Story and Dialogues
Song Writing
Blogs and Articles
Publicity Materials
And you name it.
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Lone Wolf entrepreneurs are in vogue now. Equipped with singular talents, skills, knowledge, and products that are unique to them, these young Turks are monetizing by sharing their forte and methodologies.

We at WordWise aim to tenfold the reach of these sharp minds benefitting other enthusiasts across India. Localization has a none-to-second role to play in the domain and WordWise, as it happens, has a perfectly suitable repertoire of writers and translators who can impressively dissolve the linguistic barriers.

Are you an

Creative Artist?
Achieve a 22x reach through our translation.
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Govt. & NGO

The federal government of India and the state governments design and deploy various schemes for the benefit of the undermined and the poor. Innumerable NGOs in India carry out the similar tasks for the betterment of the society.

We partner up with the governments and NGOs to help spreading the awareness and benefits for the weaker sections of the society. As a part of our CSR, we carry out translation and localization endeavours with marginal or no-profit basis. WordWise strongly believes in equity and all-round development of the society.

We Help In

Awareness Programes
Educational Content Localization
Women Empowerment Schemes
Children Welfare Schemes
Apps Localization
Website Localization
For an equitable India
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