Is your App intended for a particular set of people? Then, make it in their lingo for a rich user experience.
A large number of elderly NIUs are opening up to the vast knowledge, information, services, and products.
Explore and penetrate the emerging Indian gaming market – enrich the rural young minds of India.
Unlike the other service providers in the market, we don’t localize anything from the urban-centric perspective. Our writers and localizers sit with experts in humanity, regional languages, and dialect experts to pick and choose every single word to make your digital store user-friendly and hyper-local.
Every App has a targeted set of users that come from diverse demographics, geographies, and genders. More importantly, in a country like India, for every 100 Km, the language or the dialects change; and English is neither a language of convenience nor a medium of choice. Apps built in native languages guarantee a loyal customer base.
Research suggests that even polyglots prefer consuming knowledge and doing business in their mother tongue. It not only builds buyer confidence but also helps your brand grow into a household name. Localization has a proven high turn-around rate as well. WordWise is taking it a step further to tailor a Hyper-Localized linguistic UI and UX. which includes Customer-centric UX Writing, In-App Content Micro-Localization, Keywords and Metadata Localization, App Alerts and Updates, Products Description Translation, Help Manual, User Guide and FAQ Localization
An unprecedented billion-plus people are online now. While a large chunk of older NIUs (Novice Internet Users) are opening up to the vast knowledge, information, services, and products, the micro and mini street shops in India are getting digitized. We help in making them available in desired languages saving so much energy, mistakes and time.
Websites in user language not only double the stay-on-page time but also empowers them to make informed and independent choices. Our expert team of cultural experts, linguists, data analysts, and graphic designers customize the colors, symbols, and ideas according to the regional values creating an intense visual localization. We also support seamless connection with your CMS and highly optimized real-time SEO in the target regional languages. For very minimal effective UX flow and language, contact us.
The other end of the spectrum is the younger lot. We help your social and educational gaming products reach millions of Indian children and students in their own languages so that brilliant young Indian minds benefit from the various educational and social gaming tools. Our linguistics experts also help to recreate Indian traditional games in multiple Indian languages.
It’s the time to unleash “Full Localization” and exponentially multiply global revenue and downloads. Challenge the regional gamers in their own language. Unleash ‘Full Localization’. In a truly globalizing world of entertainment, anime and games, India is being increasingly proven to be the land of next opportunities and growth. A massive 30%+ population falls under the 25-40 age group which is also the big chink of gaming enthusiasts. We Indianize your games for an unprecedented reach.
Linguistic theory and its modern applications of Natural Language Processing emphasize on one central concept. Language is perpetually changing. This very nature of the language
In a study published in Science Advances, Stuart K. Watson and colleagues investigate the ability of monkeys, apes, and humans to process nonadjacent dependencies in
The objective of the project is to create engaging and educational science stories that conveys scientific experiments to the children of a desired age group
In tune with the Indian tone.
Got a universal product or solution and want to scale beyond English and urban centers? We can help in 22 Indian official languages.
Reach the very last mile of the linguistic supply chain and and ideas with our meticulous localization experts.
Ranging from single-page, over-the-counter translation to OCR, ML and MTPE – based Translation is done in 22 languages of India.
Use our Reports and alalytics based on purely statistical and scientific models for regional & hyper-regional marketing.
Rich resources on language diversity, translation tech, and culture, aiding India’s linguistic connectivity.
Exploring language-tech dynamics, bridging academia and practical solutions for India’s linguistic mosaic.
Real successes using our solutions to break language barriers, fostering business growth and engagement.
In-depth insights on digital Indian languages, culture, and preservation in a changing landscape.
Statistical analysis, interviews, and surveys showcasing Indian language-tech intersection and its significance.
Statistical analysis, interviews, and surveys showcasing Indian language-tech intersection and its significance.